Thursday, July 30, 2009

Meant to Be (Part Three)

This post is dedicated to Um 3abdallah :D and "H".
Sorry I didn't post yesterday :S


----- M7ammad

Seeing all my cousins, relatives, and friends made me cheer up. I almost forgot about the news that my father dropped at me this morning. Since the 3azeema was a huge one, the men were in one place and the women were in another because we couldn't possibly fit them all in one place in our house. After we had lunch my mother called me.

"M7ammad.. ta3al sallem 3ala 3ammaitk w 5alatik…" She told me with a smile.

"Inshallah…" I replied and followed her to where the women were sitting.

"Tabee tshoofha?" She whispered before we got in.

"La2…" I said sternly, and my mother told everyone that I'm about to come.

I went inside and greeted everyone. I laughed, they cried (typical women), and chatted a bit with my aunts and cousins. My eyes wondered trying to recognize her but with no luck. My mom saw me and smiled, while I quickly went back to my conversation with my youngest sister, Mariam.

"Shai5a yuma ta3alay… intay ma sallamtay 3ala M7ammad 9a7?" Said my mother carefully.

"Hmm.. La2 ana knt bl '3urfa il thanya…" She mumbled.
"Il 7imdillah 3al salama" She said, I think, since she was whispering.

"Allah ysalmich" I replied coldly. It bothered me that she didn't even stop to welcome me properly, and they want me to marry that girl!
"Yalla ana asta2thin" I told everyone and left without glancing back. So I still don't know how my future wife looks like, I thought ironically.

The rest of the evening went by smoothly, with lots of laughter and joy. After the guests left, I went to my room quickly trying to avoid my father, but this time I didn't sleep so fast.

----- Shai5a

The 3azeema wasn't so bad. I talked to some of my cousins and decided to stop mourning about something in the past. I will try to make the best out of the future inshallah. I went to the bathroom, and I heard them say that M7ammad was coming. I didn't really care, so I took my time, it's not like he will ask where I am! I went in there again, and I saw that the seating arrangement has changed majorly! Most of my cousins pulled their chairs and they were all sitting around a guy, which I suppose is M7ammad. I went to get myself a chair, when my uncle's wife called me.

"Shai5a yuma ta3alay… intay ma sallamtay 3ala M7ammad 9a7?" She said.

""Hmm.. La2 ana knt bl '3urfa il thanya…" I said taken-aback.
"Il 7imdillah 3al salama" I said quickly and got myself a chair away from him.

"Allah ysalmich" He replied in a cold tone, that somewhat surprised me. I don't even know him. Can't he just put in the effort to be polite, I thought to myself.

He excused himself and went back to where the men where. As the evening came to an end, I was feeling much better. We went back home, and for the first time in a while, I slept without crying.


Inshallah next post will be longer :)
How do you think the picture relates to the post?! -- Halaa;* .. What do you think? :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Meant to Be (Part Two)

This post is dedicated to my BF and to all my lovely readers.


----- M7ammad

I woke up pretty late this morning, and for the first time in a long while I felt really happy. I jumped into the shower, opened the hot water, and scrubbed my body in preparation for the 3azeema after a couple of hours. I felt refreshed; there is nothing better than a hot-water shower in the morning. After I wore my dishdasha, I went to sit with my family before the people came.

I saw my mom and dad arguing about something, and my mom seemed really upset.

"9aba7 il 5air," I said trying to lighten the mood.

"9aba7 il noor" they replied as I kissed both their heads.

"Ig3ad yuba aby akalmik b maw'6oo3" said my father in a serious tone.

"3abdilra7man … il walad tawwa rad… 5alla yirta7!" interrupted my mother quickly.

"IG3AD!" Said my father loudly as her glared at my mother. My father is a stubborn man, and things always go his way. So, I sat while my mother quickly left the room.

"Cham 3umrik yuba?"

"Walla a5er marra shift kan 3umry 17… w bas waggaft a3id" I chuckled.

"Hahaha… la 9ij" he asked.

"29 yuba .. laish?" I aksed curiously.

"Ya3ny inta il7een kubart w 3igalt… w b3umrik kil 5wanik kanaw mitzawjeen." He answered.

"Bas ana ma afaker bl zawaj il7een yuba!" I replied automatically.

"Shno ya3ny ma tfaker bl zawaj?!" He asked angrily. "Shoof M7ammad… Ana aby azawjik bnt 3ammik… w ana ma36y il rayal kilma, w ana ma arid b kilmity!" He said in cold way.

"Shno ya3ny 3a6eet il rayal kilma?? Bidoon ma ta5ith rayee!!! Shno ana yahel hny!?! Yuba isma7lee ana moo mwafi8!" I tried my best to control my flaring temper.

"Ya3ny t3anidny??!!" He screamed furiously.

"Yuba shno a3andik??!! It's my life!! Yan3y its my right to choose the person I want to spend the rest of my life with" I said, not realizing that I switched to talking in English because I was very mad.

"Hathy a5er kalam 3indy! Ra7 titzawajha wala inta moo wildy wala ana a3arfek!" He screamed and left me alone.

I sat there for a while trying to take in what he just said. I couldn't understand why he insisted on me marrying this girl. True she's my cousin, but I don’t even know her. Besides, all my brothers and sisters married people that they chose. My mom came in after a while with a sad face.

"M7ammad… la t3anid ubook yuma" She said with teary eyes.

"Yuma please… hathy 7ayaty ana … w il mafroo'6 ma77ad yitda5al feeha" I told her.

"Ee bas inta 3a6 il bnaya fur9a… walla ina she's a gem… w ma ra7 t7a9il a7san minha" She tried to convince me.

"Yuma fihmeeny… ana ma a3arifha wala a3arf shakilha wala ismha wala shay … shlon taboony atzawajha!!" I asked with furious eyes. 7aseet ina umy 5afat miny which made me chuckle. "Yuma 7abeebty.. 7awlay tifhimeeny" I said in a softer tone.

"Shlon ma t3arifha yuma? Bnt 3ammik … Shaikha… Mashallah 3aleeha 7ilwa w…" She continued as I tried remembering her. I only know one cousin named Shaika, but she's a kid, I think.

"Yuma.. Shaikha bnt 3amy 3azeez?" I asked.

"Ee yuma .. inta ma 3ndik '3air 3am wa7ed shfeek?" She said, thrilled to have some sort of feedback from me.

"Ana 3abaly hathy yahel… cham 3umrha?" I asked surprised. Her face turned red and she looked away.

"18" She said quickly. "But she's very mature mashallah" She added before I could say anything, and she practically ran to her room. "Il7een ilnas iyoon… goom ilbis m7ammad" She said before locking her room.

She dropped the second bomb today and left me alone. Not only did they want to force me to get married, but they chose a child. I know that I will end up marrying her because my father's word is always the final one in this house. I also have a feeling that I will spend the rest of my life miserably. My father did decide many things for me; however, I definitely didn't see this coming. I went to my room to get dressed, and went down just as the guests started to arrive.

----- Shai5a

I woke up really early that morning because I couldn’t sleep anymore, as usual, and to my surprise my mother was also up.

"Shfeech mama?" I asked her, while yawning.

"Mafeeny shay yuma… gi3day tirayigay wiyay" she said.

"Malee nafs yuma" I replied sadly. She knew that I will eat eventually, so she stood and asked me to follow her.

"Shoofay mama...." she said and she showed me several new dresses. "I5taray wa7ed talbiseena 7ag il3azeema ilyoom" She told me.

"Bas laish mama.. ana 3ndy wa7ed…" I told her, without even examining the dresses.

"La2 mama.. lazem ykoon shaklich 7ilo.. w sawway sha3rich.. w 7i6ay make-up.. la2ana il 3azeema formal" She told me.

"Mama… who cares? Tadreen ina malee 5ulg" I said without interest.

"5ala9 Shayoo5a… libsay hatha... shrayich?" She asked me as she held out a black dress, with ruffles at the bottom and a belt attached to it. "W yloog with your cardigan.. okay?" She asked again.

"Ee okay" I nodded and left to take a shower.

After I finished I dried my long brownish-reddish hair and curled it, as my mother suggested. I outlined my eyes with black eyeliner, applied some mascara to my thick eyelashes, and unwillingly put some red lipstick on. I finished with adding some blusher to my face, and some perfume to end with.

Looking at my face I knew something was missing, something that only my father can return, my smile. I wore my red jacket and headed down when I heard my father asking everyone to get into the car. We got there in the matter of five minutes because my uncle's house was close to our house. Sighing, I entered with the rest of my family.


Hope you enjoyed :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Meant to Be (Part One)

This post is dedicated to my lovely followers :)
and to the people that comment on my blog.. Thank you :)


----- M7ammad

The doors opened as I got closer, and I smiled at the sight of many familiar faces. Mashallah! They were a lot since I have six brothers and six sisters, and that's excluding many members of my extended family that were there to welcome me. I rushed to my mother who was already crying, I kissed her head and hugged her, then resumed to greet all the other people there. I looked around, searching for my favorite person, but to my dissapointment she wasn't there.

"Yuma, wain Dalal?" I asked her while still looking around.

"Ra7at shway il 7amam tikram.. w il7een tirja3.. tadree ba3ad ihya 6ool fatrat il 7amal w ihya ray7a radda 3ala hal 7amam" she said as she laughed.

"7amooooooooooood!!!" I heard her squeal from behind me.

"Dalooooooooooooooooool!!" I screamed as I hugged her and lifted her up.

"9ayra ba66a shno hatha!!" I teased her.

"Ana ba66a!!!! Ya.........." She mused.

I ignored her and went to catch a ride with my brother Fahad. I love making her mad, and I always run away before she can get her revenge. The ride back home was full of laughter. Fahad filled me in on the latest news, and accordind to him, there is a big 3azeema in our house tomorrow and almost everyone will be there.I was really glad because I wanted to go back to being my old self, since I was distant for the past few years.

Of course, when we got home I opened my bags and got out all the souveneirs, and managed to go to my after 3 hours, and boy I was exhausted. I opened the door and blinked, once, twice, three times; no I'm not in a dream! My room was actually green and pink, girly pink.

"Dalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal!" I screamed for her to come to my room!

"Hahahahaha... do you like your new room?!" She laughed.

"You're not serious right?" I said bewildered.

"Walla that's the only thing I liked... and you can always redecorate after I give birth." She relpied, and she left me alone in the Pink room. While I was in the States, Dalool called asking me if she can use my room for when she delivers the baby. She wanted to make a isti8bal for when her friends were over, and appearently my room was perfect because it was on the first floor and it was big. Of course I agreed after teasing her and making silly comments. However, it didn't occur to me that she will make my room this Girly. My beautiful-bachelor's room, beige and brown, to these colors. Nonetheless, I missed my room and it felt good to be back. I laid down and slept soundlessly.

------ Shaikha

I was left alone in the house because everyone went to welcome back my cousin, m7ammad. I refused to go with them because I didn't even know the guy. He left Kuwait more than 8 years ago, and I haven't seen him since then. He went to finish his medical studies, which made me sad because that was my dream which I'm not allowed to follow. My mother asked me to go several times, but I refused because I didn't feel like seeing anyone. Besides, we are invited to their house tomorrow, so I will congratulate him there, If I even recognize him.

I spent my time in the bubble bath because tomorrow will be a chaotic day, like every other day I'm forced to get out of the house. I was living in hell, but my father still won't budge and allow me to study medicine. I got up, dried myself, and slept with tears in my eyes like everyday from my father's harsh decision.


Sorry adry lail7een mako action.. bas I have to give you good background awal :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Do you miss him?

This post is dedicated to my one and only "H"..


"Do you miss him?" Her best friend asked her with concern as soon as they were alone. She noticed that she was not herself lately. She saw that her smile was always clouded by sadness. She knew that he was the only one that had that effect on her.

It was only a question, and yet it shook all her insides. She knew that she missed him, but tried to dismiss the thought over and over again. However, it was time to confront herself.

Yes, she missed him. Maybe more than her fragile heart can take. Tears started forming in her eyes and found their way out. They escaped unwillingly from her eyes, showering her face and cheeks one after the other.

She couldn't take it anymore; he was her life, her everything, and she was forced to give him up. She knew that her relationship with him was wrong, but he provided her with everything that she searched for all along. He gave her a sense of security, his presence made her feel loved, and talking to him was the only thing that was able to make her genuinely happy.

Her tears washed away some of the misery she was in, but the only thing that could bring her soul back to life was hearing his voice.

She called him from an anonymous number, knowing that being the gentleman he is, he will not pick up if she called him from her number because that was exactly what she asked him to do. Only now did she realize that she couldn't even stick to her decision, because it was simply too hard.

"Aloo.." Came in his mesmerizing voice..

"Aloo..." He repeated.

"Aloooo.." He said now annoyed, and with that he ended the call.

It was clear that with every "Aloo" a piece of her heart was being repaired. She gave her best friend her phone back with a real smile, a one that she thought she forgot about. She smiled thinking: I love him, and we will be reunited someday, because deep down she still believed that love is the most powerful force in the world.


This is a random post :)

Hope you liked it, and I will write part one of the story tomorrow inshallah :).

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Meant to Be (Prologue)

In his eyes she was a young child. In her eyes he was just a relative. However, neither one of them imagined just how much their fates will be tied together.

----- M7ammad

I stared aimlessly around as I waited for the plane to land. After spending almost 8 years of my life outside Kuwait, I'm returning to my home country. Bitter emotions started to build up in me as I remembered the reason behind my escape. It all started the first day of Medical school. It wasn't really my dream to be a doctor, but I did it because it was my father's dream and wish. I followed his orders and reluctantly applied there and I was surprisingly accepted even though my GPA wasn't very high when compared to other students there. Don't get me wrong, I do think I'm a genius, but at that time I didn't care that much about studying.

The first day of college was not as disappointing as I imagined it to be; there I met her. She was everything I didn't understand about a girl, but she managed to draw me to her. I fell in love with her, and for three years she was everything to me. I loved her until that day, where her father decided to shatter our dreams. She was forced to marry a family friend so that business affairs can flourish. I remember that day like it was yesterday because it was when I really grew up. I saw the world with different eyes and gave up all my boyish dreams.

Then, I decided to complete my studies outside of the borders of Kuwait. After transferring my papers, I finished med school in Ireland, and continued to specialize as a nephrologist (kidney doctor) in California. Even though I'm not in love with her anymore, she still holds a special place in my heart because she was my first love after all.

The pilot's voice interrupted my thoughts as he told us to prepare for landing. At last I thought: a new start in Kuwait.

------ Shaikha

After a long, strenuous year, I finally finished high school. Everyone says that these are the best years of our lives, but I thought that college years will hopefully be better. I wanted to apply to medical school but was surprised by my dad's attitude towards the idea. He refused to let me study medicine, without any apparent reason. With that, all my dreams went down the toilet, and I was crushed because my whole plans for the future were destroyed. I fought for my dream, but in the end he was my father and he won. I applied for English Studies, hoping that at least I will be able to express myself freely there.

New Story

Sorry I haven't posted for a while :S

But I'm seriously Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuusy!!!

Anyways.. Inshallah I'm gonna start a new story soon.. ya3ny today or tomorrow..

The plot is not very original.. but the details are from my imagination.. and I will add some true events in the story...

Hope you'll like it :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Blog..

I entered the blogger's world, "reluctantly" I must say so.

I don't know why I did it, but I guess it's a way I can express my feelings without having people pity me, judge me, or critisize me.

I don't want to describe myself a lot because I'm hoping to keep my identity anonymous for the time being.

Bascially, I'm a teenager that hates being a teenager because of all the problems that I face at this age. I wish I can grow up quickly, and that's an issue I mourn about a lot! I'm very sensitive and emotional, and my heart controls most of the decisions I make in my life.

Anyways, THIS WHOLE BLOG is dedicated to one person, "H." I love you, I miss you, and I'm sorry that it's not meant to be.

I honestly hope you enjoy reading my blog, and I would appreciate your feedback. :)

Btw.. I think I'm gonna start with some random posts then a story, hopefully soon. :)