I know ina u guys are bored from all the random posts..
but I honestly have no time to write a post 7ag the story..
I slept for one hour bas yesterday..
and this is just part of my venting process..
So.. Im extremely sorry..
and I promise you I will try my best to post this weekend..
You ask me a simple question..
A question, with either a yes or a no, for an answer..
and yet, it's the most difficult question in my life..
How much do you love me?
You ask me, not bothering to ask if I do love you,
Even though I have never said it aloud..
You ask me, even though it's clear..
I love you more than anyone else..
And you know that..
But you still ask..
Even though you can see it in my eyes..
Even though you can sense it..
Even though you can almost touch the love in the air..
The love I carry around for you..
It's becoming a burden, difficult to carry around..
Loving you so much but not being able to actually tell you is torture for me..
I look into your eyes..
wanting you to confess your love..
wanting you to finally make my dreams come true..
But in your eyes..
I see my reflection..
I see my pain..
I see me..
and I see my love for you..
But I can't see you..
Because you refuse to let me in, not matter how hard I tried..
Take care..
دوريات جديدة في الكويت؟
2 days ago
i really love this!!!
ugh men we cant live with them and im way sure we cant live without them too!!
omg mashalla 3alaich your always a powerfull writer...
walla i hope to be like u someday..lol
i just created a blog and i would like you to follow it cz ur one of the best bloggers in my opinion;p
love-ich mwaah;**
3 words:
Yeah, and plz check out my new blog;$
you should turn this into a book one day!
Seriously one hour of sleep? you must be exhausted!!
What took yu sooo long :( come on please post asap!!
metta betnzlen post ? FOR THE STORY ???? n6rna waiiid
Hey, I can't view your site properly within Opera, I actually hope you look into fixing this.
Hiii :)
I'm really sorry I know that this is taking toooo long :S
i promise i will try my best to post soon..
bas inshallah inshallah you will get one in eid break for sure..
I am swarmed with work believe me.. sorry ..
Take care..
and thank you for those that asked about me and emailed me :)
Yallah! Post! ..please :)
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