Hello :)
ok.. so there is a person who emailed me,
and she needs advice.
I already told her my opinion,
but after taking he approval,
I would like you guys to give her advice on her situation..
So please .. 6al3aw all the wisdom you have hidden in you ;p
and give her some advice..
She is a normal girl,
in highschool,
she's in love with someone,,
ya3ny he will finish college this year..
The thing is they bump into each other a lot!
They used to talk to each other..
as friends only,,
But when he suggested that they date..
she stopped talking to him!
For several reasons: religion, her family, w sum3atha..
Il muhem, he did hint ina he wants to marry her,
w He's a good guy..
So the thing is .. what does she do now?!
She misses him A LOT!!
But they are not talking,
and she sees him everywhere..
w I personally think that she's wonderful
w brave w amazing for refusing to talk to him..
6ab3an that's the story mithel ma ana fahamt..
w I omitted some details 3ashan yimkin she doesn't want to be known..
She wants to know your opinions so please share them :)
and thank you :)
دوريات جديدة في الكويت؟
2 days ago
7abbayt.ha ;p shes amazing and very smart for doing the right thing and taking the right decision , 5al test5eer rabha o allah ywaffegha but not and i repeat NOT to think or consider dating . She can marry him after graduating etha allah ketab . Shes still young to worry about this , so i suggest she prays o nshala things will be clear then . Hope i helped
SHE DID THE RIGHT THING...if he wants her oo really care's about her he will wait oo yakh6bha inshallah...oo 6ab3aan an9i7ich dont dont thing of dating him oo even talking to him as in ur BF u dnt know what will happen elshai6an mawjoood oo u dnt want to break ur heart:) w inshallaah nisma3 innich inkha6abtay gireeeeb
I suggest she leaves it be.. if she's meant to get married to him then she will!!! oo ellee allah katba ra7 eseeer! oo khatsalee salat elistikhara..I applaud her isara7a 3ala what she did...
Dear Desperate Damsel (if you don't mind me calling you that),
My heart goes out to you. I know how terribly alone you might feel right now; the sense of doubt that haunts where you aren't really sure if what you did was right or not, especially with such a life-changing decision.
Now while you're reading this I'm going to ask you to do things... to think over things... STOP! Now breathe...expel your breathe slowly... now let's take things step by step...
I mean this in no way as an insult nor a jab at your maturity, but honey let's face it 18 (if you're not younger) is no where near 'ready to get married'! I'm sorry to be the person to have to spell it out for you so harshly, but it in order for you to get the big picture you need to look in to your situation not out from it. You are no longer the victim, but a bystander. If this was your best friend what would you tell her?!
Let's take a deep breathe again... expel it out slowly... take another one in... exhale....
Without beating around the bush, if your mother knew about this would she condemn or condone it? Would she give you her blessing and walk you down the aisle (figuratively speaking) or would she look at you with a look of dissapointment and try to talk you out of it?
Be honest with yourself. Lying won't do you any good.
Breathe..... out....
You need to believe something wholly and whole-heartedly... illi Allah katba bi9eer... 3ajbich mo 3ajbich... bi9eer.. ni9eebich ib ya5thich.. in kan ohwa, your sweetheart, aw '3aira... 7i6ay thi8atich ib Allah...
inshalla allah yaktiblich illi fee sa3adtich oo ra7tich oo eratheech billi katba...
inshalla mat kooneen itthayagtay minni.. oo inna kalami sa3idach walaw shway..
The Psychologist
Nicely Done ..
Listen, i have alotta guy friends .. bs if u really like this guy and he wants to marry u .. never ever speak to him .. This will only make him want u more .. smile to him w ashyaa2 .. 3shan he knows u still want him .. bs dont speak ! ;)
Nshalla nsm3 anna n56abtii soon .. Hehe, Kil elli katbh Allah will happen =)
Ma agoul elah 3afya 3alaich walaah !
I thought ppl like us got instinced ;p well thank got they aren't :P!
ps; " A Man who truly respects you, walks through your door not window"
jadd I admire you;*
let her talk to him! explian why shes diong this!
i dont think they should date they can be good friends and both like each other but not date cus wen dating come then they have to act like a couple wich comes with dont do this dont sdo that dont wear this dont wear that dont talk to these ppl and all that non-sence so i t hink that being friends is better what she did was right o itha uhwa waaayed e7ibha o fy balah marriage then be5aly 3aina 3alaich til the time is right, dont give in to el shoug ely ga3da et7isna be stronger than it and yuppp tell him ur not interested with the childish way itha yabeech he gets u the right way by walking though the houses front door and lettting the family know now i could write forever so im gunna stop my self here good luck 7abeebty xxxx
Mar7eba el sa3 ..
i am from u.a.e .. w el9araa7a 8abel ma kent ADANI a8ra Kwaiti blogs (soory)BUT yoom 8eraiit ur blog .. i changed my mind..
EL 9ARAA7A ur stoory is 6rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (it means bel emarati waye wayed wayed wayed wayed 7elwa)
7abaitha men awal ma 8erait awal post .. I loved the way of your writting (masha2alla) ur an excellent write and try to use ur hidden talen to benefit the society..
A3ARF wayef armes ..
Thank you all;*
see I can't reply to everyone of you, sorry but I'm busy a lot..
Ou I can't stop smiling, ma z3alt wala Shay bel3ax u helped me..
I needed this push, i really did.
Because that guy helped me out with everything and once he was gone, i missed him badly but thanks to all of you, I don't regret of what I did..
i totally agree with Zaina!
Genial fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.
waaaaaaaaaainich we miss yoou ?? post soon 7bebty
um flfola
whens the next post shushu
plz dont take long
were always waiting <3
Genial dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.
6awltii 3alaaina .. plz post soon
Awal shay thank you everyone for commenting.. and I'm sure she's really pleased with your wise comments! :)
And I'm very sorry.. I promise PROMISE PROMISE 9ij ina I will post soon.. ya bacher or on saturday as a max!!
Thank you for being patient :Pp
Nada: Inshallah soon :)
yala waaaaaaaitiiing :P
um flfola :P
Post is Up :):)
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