I know I said I will post in the weekend..
But I wasn't and still not in the mood for studying..
So I thought I would write a short post!
----- M7ammad
As soon as the door closed, I took a quick look at my "wife" and then gave her my back. How awkward can this be I thought to myself?
I felt some movement in the room, and then I heard the sound of a door getting locked. I'm guessing she's finishing her business in the bathroom.
I looked around the room, and my gaze settled on the bed, the comfy, inviting bed. How I long to just jump onto it. But I knew that I will not sleep on this bed, because she will. So I called the reception, hoping that there is any other room available for me to stay in for the night. Since I didn't handle the reservations for the hotel, they decided to trap us both in this room. Unfortunately, all the rooms were taken, so I guess I'm going to be stuck here. I asked the guy on the phone to get me some pillows and an extra blanket because it looks like I will need them. I thought about the sleeping arrangement some more, and settled on sleeping on the couch.
I rummaged through my bag as I waited for her to finish from the bathroom so I can use it. I was getting really irritated because she has been in the bathroom for almost an hour now. Just as I was about to knock on the bathroom door, I heard the door bell.
I rushed there hoping that its one of my sisters coming to check on us. However, I was greeted by something even better: soft, fluffy pillows. I thanked the guy and prepared my bed on the couch. I laid down with my clothes but there were very uncomfortable because I was used to sleeping in, well, nothing really besides my boxers. But for this "special occasion” I did plan on wearing my pjs. I thought about changing in the room since she doesn't seem like she'll be done any time soon, but decided against it.
After about 30 more minutes, she opened the door, but strangely, she didn't get out. I went to check on her, thinking that she passed out or something, but she soon got out holding high so it doesn't touch the ground I'm guessing. However, it was still sweeping the bathroom's floor. The dress was covering her face, so she couldn't see where she was going, and so she bumped into me.
Startled she dropped the dress, and stared at me wide-eyed. Typical 18-year old I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes. I looked at her from top to bottom, and I can only say that I enjoyed the scene. She was wearing a sleeveless silk night gown that fit her just right, which was very entertaining and amusing I must say. The gown highlighted just the right parts of her body, and the color complemented her skin color. Just as I realized that I was starring at her, I scolded myself and looked in the other direction quickly.
"Il 7imdillah 3al Salama." I remarked sarcastically , as I made my way to the bathroom.
----- Shai5a
As soon as they closed the door after them, I stood there terrified of what's coming next. He took a glance in my direction then faced the other way. I took the chance to grab my bag and run into the bathroom.
I took off my huge dress and placed it aside, then I stood there looking at myself in the mirror, and all the tears that I held that night came flowing. Angrily, I splashed water on my face, once, twice, and until all the makeup was gone. Then I undid my hair, which was very exhausting since I had to take all the pins out of my hair. I wasn't in the mood to take a shower because I was really exhausted, so i decided that I will take one next morning.
I looked in my bag, which my mom prepared, for my pjs, but I didn't find anything. I held out the night gown that she put for me and cried in horror. There is no way I'm going to wear this in front of a strange man. I sat on the floor, thinking about a way to run from this situation. I looked at my watch and was shocked to see that I was in the bathroom for more than an hour.
Reluctantly, I wore my night gown since I had nothing there besides the clothes I'm going to wear for next morning and I would definitely look like a freak if I wore them. Not that I care of course, right?!
I gathered all my stuff, and arranged them in my bag again, and then I opened the door slowly, hoping that by now he will be already asleep. I held the dress up so that it doesn't get damaged and walked out. However, I bumped into something, which I hoped was a wall. The dress fell from me, only to disappoint me more by revealing that I actually bumped into his hard chest.
I looked at him petrified, and he didn't seem to care. He rolled his eyes and them started to "check me out," shamelessly may I say. I had Goosebumps all over my body from the way he was looking at me, I swallowed, hoping that all this is just a dream, but it wasn't because he seemed to snap back into reality so he looked away quickly and headed to the bathroom. But not before he throws a silly remark.
"Il 7imdillah 3al Salama" He told me in a mordant way, and he closed the bathroom door.
Tears started to form in my eyes as I took in the scene. I looked around and saw some pillows and a blanket on the couch. Thinking that he wanted me to sleep there, I laid down, trying to sleep, but in reality I was couldn't even close my eyes.
Hope YOu enjoyed!!
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
3 days ago
il post 7ada 3AJEEEEEB I really missed reading ur posts and I'm glad that u started posting again ;D
w inshallah I will try to post more often :)
love it:*
loove it:*
looove it:*
bs la t6awleen 3alaiina next time;p
Loool.. inshallah I won't :Pp
Funny, cute &...akward =p
Mta el nxt post inshallah =p
It's the weekend plz reward us with ur amazing writing.....now i know..
I see u as a writer ;p
laish m7amed isawee feeha chithee kisarat 5a6ry....
I enjoyed it soooo much!!!! =*
mashalla 3alaich ya shushu... bidal ma innich kintya ga3da tadriseen ams ga3dtay taktibeen which isn't a bad thing bss ma tigdireen itsaweena AFTER ma you study?!!!! la2 6ab3an... 5alif to3raf 9a7?! ;P
bss mashalla I really enjoyed it... bss hatha il sa5eef tara gam ebi6 chabdi ya3ni shway ra3i sho3oor shayoo5a bss la2 2badan!!!!
Smiles! XD
Your #1 Anony!!!
Thnx :)..
madry maybe on sunday or monday..
and I don;t see myself as a writer :Pp Its too demanding for me :S
Rawan: I know,, bas tara 7atta uhwa yakser il 5a6er
Charmbracelet: THNX :**
#1 Anony:
Looooool.. bas I wasn't in the mood for studying :Pp
w lawsama7tay tara ma ar'6a 3alee..
7atta uhwa maskeen
w Thank you all for commenting
Shushu tara it's sunday =p
Loooooooool :Pp
adry ina its sunday..
bas I said "or monday"
besides if I post today my friend, Um 3abdallah, will KILL Me..
Tomorrow inshallaH!!!!!!
It's Monday =( :s
I posted wallah!!!
3ashanich bas :P
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