Hey ;D
Adry, adry :p
I'm sorry bas I needed the break is all I can say..
Thank you killikum, your comments and emails mean A LOT!
Please aby a3arf if you want me to continue the story till like part 50 ..
Or taboony a5ale9ha bser3a in like 2 parts?
short post bas I will write again as soon as i can!
---- M7ammad
I woke up the next morning, and felt the bed for Shaikha because she wasn't in my arms as usual.
I heard the water run in the bathroom, and went there quickly, hoping that she forgot to lock the door, but was disappointed when I got there.
"Shaikhaaaaaaa" I called, crankily.
I'm guessing she didn't hear me because there was no reply.
"Shayooooooo5" I screamed.
I heard something fall.
"Ouuuch.. Na3am, shno, shfeek?" She replied startled as she stopped the water.
"Intay ily shfeech" I laughed.
"6a7 il shampoo 3ala reely.. w mako shay y'6a7ek" She said, not able to stop herself from laughing.
"Inzain open the door" I told her.
"I'm taking a shower" She said slowly, as if she was trying to show me how stupid I was to ask her that.
"Adry, and I also know that I've seen it all.. so open the door" I said mischievously.
"M7ammad.. bas 3ad maly 5lg" she replied.
"Intay killa malich 5lg mako shay yideed.. open the f***** door" I told her, smiling, knowing that this is going to piss her off.
"cham marra gaylatlik la tseb M7ammad?" She said, annoyed.
" f*** " I repeated.
"M7ammaaaad!!" She exclaimed.
" f*** and ***** ok?" I laughed.
"That is it!" She almost screamed, and opened the door with her towel tightly wrapped around her slender figure. " w ba3dain ma3ak ya3ny?" She said as she stared at me angrily.
"9aba7 il 5air 7abeebti" I replied innocently. "are you done taking a shower?" I asked as I went inside the bathroom.
"M7ammaaad la tista3be6!!!" She tried to drag me out.
"Look honey, I'm going to take a shower, so if you want to join me 7ayach, and if you don't please close the door, bas I don't mind you peeking tara" I smiled evilly.
"I can't believe you!" She complained, but quickly closed the door when she realized that I was really serious about taking a shower, whether or not she was watching.
"Oh and I forgot to tell you how hot you look in that towel!" I screamed after her.
----- Shai5a
I went to the other bathroom and took a really quick shower after the stunt that M7ammad decided to pull.
I dressed in the other room too, knowing that M7ammad would not let me dress in peace in out room.
"Shai5aaa.." I heard him call.
"m7amaaad" I called back.
"Are you done?" He asked.
"Yeah kind of!" I replied.
He came into the room wearing his navy scrubs, with his hair still wet.
"Mumkin afham laish il 7araka il bay5a ily saweetha this morning?" I asked him, trying my best not to smile.
"3ashan marra thanya lama agoolich tifti7een il bab, tifti7eena 3ala 6ool.." He said with his eyebrow raised. "Ok?"
I stared at him, but knowing M7ammad, I would not win this argument any time soon, so I let it go 3ashan la at2a5ar 3al jam3a.
"I think you forgot something.." He said as I took my books and headed to the door.
"Shno?" I asked worried.
"My good morning kiss" He smiled innocently.
"You're not getting one honey.." I said as I hurried towards the door, but sadly he was much faster than me especially that I was carrying a couple of books.
"Awal shay, shaklich chinich yadity w intay shayla hathool, so give me the books.." He said as he blocked the door. " w thany shay, you know perfectly well that you are going nowhere without giving me my kiss.. so do it" He laughed.
I kissed him on the cheek quickly, and motioned for him to move so I can open the door.
He rolled his eyes, and pulled me for a kiss of his own, as he opened the door.
"M7ammad tara mit2a5ra so bser3a nazely the books please!" I said.
"Ok 3ayal ana awa9lich 3ashan ma tisre3een bl sayara.." He replied.
"La ana broo7y baroo7!" I told him.
"Intay ma t3arfeen tsoogeen, ana awa9lich!" He said.
"M7amad.. you better put the books in my car and leave bser3a.." I said annoyed that he was making fun of my driving skills.
"Inzain, don't forget to call me when you get there, w la tasre3een" He ordered me seriously.
"Inshallah" I replied and drove off with a smile refusing to leave my face.
Hope you enjoyed ;D
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
3 days ago